OPERATION FALCON BERM: TZMD completed the live-fire exercises using close combat small unit tactics low vertically separated man-portable UAS surveillance equipment.
- Readiness - - Drones - - Exercises -
The operation focused on airspace control and air-ground integration planning and strategies for distributed asymmetrical deployment, recovery and appointment of UAS systems.
TIMP TOP: Mountain Division hikers conduct a bi-annual climb to to the 11752-foot summit of Mt Timpanogas
- Nature - - - - Climbing -
A shack in the center of the summit ridge marks the objective, and features a view of of the entire valley below. Mountain Division members descend back along the rugged peak trail, or slide 1300 feet down the glacier to Emerald lake.
JUMP & THUMP - Skydive out of a plane and SCUBA dive into a plane during live fire exercises
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How many different pressures can your ears take in a single day? Skydiving, Scuba, Underground, Underwater, Night and Day, Jump and Thump participants plugged their ears and listened for the next challenge to face during non-stop live-fire operations"
VERTICAL TRAINING: TZMD practices climbing, rappelling, and technical rescue skills in a variety of rock types, pitches, environments, and rigging situations.
- Readiness - - Search and Rescue - - Climbing -
Whether it's finding solid anchors in questionable terrain, rigging a system to fit a unique situation, or improvising with less-than optimal gear choices, there is always another unique problem to solve when you go vertical.
OPERATION ZEPHYR: Extreme weather emergency response
- Readiness - - Weather - - Tornado - - Search and Rescue - - Disaster - - Exercises -
Coordinated emergency disaster response in the aftermath of a tornado touchdown reproduced damage occurring in a residential community after thunderstorms formed a rapidly moving squall line and spun an F-2 tornado. Local volunteers activated to respond to the incident were placed under TZ command elements and dispatched as a rapid reaction force designated Alpha Team.