TZ Research & Development assists other TZ Divisions with the technology, assets, and technical assistance required to support TZ operatives in the field. TZ Drone Division and the TZ.ROV and TZ.UAV programs are just some of the myriad ways TZR&D assists during critical interventions to support TZ in its efforts to contribute to the community

DOGS, MEET DRONES: Before Zazzu K9 handlers can successfully utilize their service animals alongside active drone assets, they must familiarize each dog to the constant presence of drones.
Keywords: - Drones - - K9 - - Working Dogs - - Dog Training - - Rovers - - ROV5 -
Studies have shown that dogs will respond to signal cues from drones and robots just as they do to human signals.

SAR UAV CHALLENGE FACTORS: Integration of the UAV assets into a busy command workflow must be as distraction-free, painless, simple, and useful as possible.
Keywords: - Drones - - Flying - - Mindset - - Readiness - - SAR - - Search and Rescue -
The primary use of UAVs during SAR operations is for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISR), to serve the SAR mission of finding a target, fixing the target position, and finishing the rescue or recovery. UAV SAR missions do not easily fit into a ready-made template. They are as diverse as the SAR exercises and organizations they support -- ranging from quick response in confined hazardous environments to persistent observation of large areas over long periods of time.

DALLAS AMBUSH: After Action Review (AAR) of the Critical Incident Response(CIR)conducted by Dallas Police & DART Police.
Keywords: - Readiness - - Survival - - Shooting - - Attacks - - Robots - - Preparedness - - Active shooter - - Machine Enforcement - - Police -
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures are constantly improving in the realm of small unit emergency response. TZRD works with all TZ Divisions to improve TTP's and recognizes the ultimate sacrifice of the law enforcement officers who were killed during this response while protecting our communities and safeguarding innocent lives.

WARRIORS TO THE END: US SOF ambushed in Niger
Keywords: - Readiness - - Survival - - Shooting - - Military - - Attacks -
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures are constantly improving in the realm of small unit emergency response. In the interest of improving TZ Critical Incident Response TZRD has conducted a After Action Review (AAR) of the Critical Incident Response (CIR) conducted by Special Operations Forces in response to being ambushed and overwhelmed by Nigerian Terrorists.

CRYPTIC COLORATION: TZRD supports 4 season operation with the production and acquisition of kit for use in sub-zero temperatures.
Keywords: - Guns - - Gear - - DIY -
Requiring each member to maintain readiness and kit to allow for tactical emergency response in even the most severe conditions. Special attention is required to arms, clothing and footwear to ensure a safe and effective response during any weather.

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